
. performance on Instagram
. participatory protocol
. installation and series of pictures


Propagation is a project created in april 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic and quarantine. I decided to start from a simple principle, which is to stretch a green color string in my apartment space for 7 days. To start, I hung the first piece of string in the northern corner of my apartment (which was also the least used).


The entire performance took place on Instagram through the story function which allows content to be posted for only 24 hours. People who follows me on my Instagram were invited every day to take part in the creation of the protocol. Each day, four instructions were offered and each person could vote for one instruction, once a day. The order of the votes formed the sequence of actions, and the whole then made up the protocol of the day. Before starting each new day, I uploaded a picture of the propagation progress with the protocol from the day before. Each day, about 26 people participated. On the penultimate day, participants were free to come up with an action and did not have to choose from four choices. That day, only 6 people participated. All the stories can be viewed on my Instagram. I made a serie of photographs out of the final installation. This serie can be seen on a website that I made.