. web plateform
. animated posters
. interactive silkscreen posters


As part of a class, Carla Fehlhaber and I realized the visual identity of an imaginary school that we named XPRMNTL. It’s an all-digital graphic design school that runs on a platform like instagram. Students would be rated according to their popularity and number of likes. Some competitions are organized to challenge students and promote the best of their creation. This results in a classification among students represented by elevations or falls.

So I made 3 silk-screen posters: the general classification (multicolored), the one of the best (yellow) and the one of the worst (blue). These posters come alive with virtual reality on mobile phone. I also created a website which was used to present the project but also to show all the research we had done that you can find in the Archives section.

The Graphic Design studio The Rodina uses the concept of Playbour to designate an action that may seem as a game, but which generates profits for someone else. Our school operates on this principle.